In: Water Agencies

Our Top 10 Findings from 310 Procurement Assessments for Public Agencies in California

Over the past 15 years, the team at TerraVerde and I have completed over 310 energy project procurement assessments and request for proposals.

We have created the scope and managed competitive procurement for solar, battery, energy efficiency, and electric vehicle …

Does California have a “Strategic Water Reserve”?

Does California have a “Strategic Water Reserve”?

The United States maintains a strategic petroleum reserve administered by the Department of Energy. These oil reserves are owned by the federal government and stored in secure underground salt caverns along the coastlines …

ACWA Selects TerraVerde As The Preferred Provider to Serve Water Agencies

TerraVerde Energy is pleased to announce that the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) has selected TerraVerde as their Preferred Provider for energy consulting services.

Read the full press release here on ACWA’s website:

ACWA’s network of …

Is It Time To Buyout Your Solar PPA

It’s been more than ten years since the passage of the California Solar Initiative (CSI) and Federal Solar Tax Credit legislation. Since then, public & private entities across California have deployed solar as a part of their sustainability and energy …

New Sources of Revenue and Cost Savings for Water Agencies and Other Public Agencies Using Battery Storage

As SCE continues to increase the demand charge component of TOU rate structures, public agencies in SCE territory are considering the benefits of energy storage using batteries to shave peak demand and reduce monthly utility bills.  While battery storage systems