By: David Burdick

Solar Value Deflation: A Feature, Not a Bug


According to a recent study published by The Breakthrough Institute, the value of solar in California’s wholesale electricity market has fallen by around 37% since 2014 relative to other sources of electricity …

Only Months Left To Submit New Solar & Battery Projects!

In California, there are only a few months left to submit new solar and battery projects to secure the current NEM benefits and rich battery incentives.


The Current NEM Program Is Closing Soon

As highlighted in our recent article

California’s Net Energy Metering Program Is Changing, Again

Net Energy Metering (NEM) is the utility program which enables on-site (or behind the meter) energy installations (like solar) to earn credits for exporting electricity to the grid. Under the terms of the NEM program, electricity that is generated by …

Refinancing Could Help Turn Around Challenged Solar Agreements

Some Customers Are Upside-Down On Their Solar Agreements

Solar PV systems have become a go-to resource for lowering energy costs and increasing sustainability. In California alone, electricity customers have installed over 1 million solar PV systems, approaching 10 gigawatts State-wide. …

The Distributed PPA Program for CCAs

1.1 GW of New Distributed Solar is Installed in California Each Year

Electricity customers in California’s Investor-Owned Utility markets have installed an average of 1.1 GW of new behind-the-meter solar PV systems each year. Customer needs for resiliency and clean …

Learning from the Texas Energy Crisis

The aftermath of the 2021 Polar Vortex (power outages, water safety issues, and the tragic loss of life) has left Texans and many others wondering: “How did it come to this? Why did the power grid fail us?” When large …

$50 Million In Savings & Counting

Solar PV & battery energy storage systems are able to generate incredible financial benefits through both cost savings and revenue opportunities. However, given the technical nature of the operating profiles of these technologies and the complex utility billing arrangements associated …

The Solar Tax Credit Has Been Extended

As part of a wider stimulus package, congress passed a bill on December 21, 2020 that included a substantial extension to the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC).

The ITC has been a long standing Federal incentive that extends project owners …

SGIP Battery Incentive Funds Are Moving Quickly

Given the amount of activity we are seeing with California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), TerraVerde is providing regular updates on the status and funding availability for commercial-scale battery projects. Depending on the location of the project and type of facility,

Commercial Batteries

The Latest on California’s SGIP Battery Incentive

After weeks of rolling blackouts and another wave of Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Events, Californian’s are once again reminded of their need for backup power. As independent energy advisors, TerraVerde is supporting water agencies, transit agencies, schools, local governments, …