Time Is Running Out For New Solar & Battery Projects

In California, time is running out for new solar & battery projects. SGIP battery incentive funding continues to dwindle rapidly. And a recent proposed decision from the CPUC could wipe out the economic value of new solar projects. Thus it …

Only Months Left To Submit New Solar & Battery Projects!

In California, there are only a few months left to submit new solar and battery projects to secure the current NEM benefits and rich battery incentives.


The Current NEM Program Is Closing Soon

As highlighted in our recent article

SGIP Battery Incentive Funds Are Moving Quickly

Given the amount of activity we are seeing with California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), TerraVerde is providing regular updates on the status and funding availability for commercial-scale battery projects. Depending on the location of the project and type of facility,

Commercial Batteries

The Latest on California’s SGIP Battery Incentive

After weeks of rolling blackouts and another wave of Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Events, Californian’s are once again reminded of their need for backup power. As independent energy advisors, TerraVerde is supporting water agencies, transit agencies, schools, local governments, …

SGIP Status Update: Equity and Equity Resiliency Budgets

TerraVerde Energy closely tracks the status of the Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) program and the CPUC’s allocation of funding for the program. This blog post describes the current status of the various incentive categories, and highlights the imbalance of …

Important New Updates To California’s SGIP (Battery) Incentive

With the advent of the wildfire driven Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events, California has made several important new changes to the Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), a rebate program that incentivizes the deployment of (among other technologies) battery energy …