Given the amount of activity we are seeing with California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), TerraVerde is providing regular updates on the status and funding availability for commercial-scale battery projects. Depending on the location of the project and type of facility, this rebate incentive can cover between 30-100% of the costs of a battery energy storage project. However, given the rich incentive levels, and the increased demand for energy storage, the funding available for these incentives is moving quickly.

Remaining SGIP Incentives for Commercial-Scale Batteries

Here is the latest update on the incentives available for commercial-scale battery projects as of 11/16/2020:

PG&E Territory

Base Level Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.35 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $46M
  • (down $2M from last week)

Resiliency Adder Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.50 / Whr
  • Shares Base Level Incentive Funding

Equity Resiliency Incentive

  • Incentive Level: $1.00 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $0
  • (no change from last week)
SDG&E Territory

Base Level Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.35 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $22M
  • (no change from last week)

Resiliency Adder Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.50 / Whr
  • Shares Base Level Incentive Funding

Equity Resiliency Incentive

  • Incentive Level: $1.00 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $25M
  • (down $1M from last week)
SCE Territory

Base Level Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.35 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $31M
  • (down $3M from last week)

Resiliency Adder Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.50 / Whr
  • Shares Base Level Incentive Funding

Equity Resiliency Incentive

  • Incentive Level: $1.00 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $126M
  • (down $1M from last week)
SoCalGas Territory

Base Level Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.35 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $15M
  • (no change from last week)

Resiliency Adder Incentive

  • Current Incentive Level: $0.50 / Whr
  • Shares Base Level Incentive Funding

Equity Resiliency Incentive

  • Incentive Level: $1.00 / Whr
  • Current Funding Available: $46M
  • (no change from last week)

Qualifiers for SGIP Incentives for Commercial-Scale Batteries 

The following are the qualifiers for the various SGIP incentives available to commercial-scale batteries:

Base Incentive Resiliency Adder Equity Resiliency
  • Investor Owned Utility Customer (or customer of CCAs in IOU territory)
  • Investor Owned Utility Customer (or customer of CCAs in IOU territory)
  • critical facilities
  • located in a High Fire Threat District (HFTD) or experienced two or more PSPS events
  • Investor Owned Utility Customer (or customer of CCAs in IOU territory)
  • critical facilities
  • located in a HFTD or experienced two or more PSPS events
  • and serves a low-income or disadvantaged community that is in a HFTD or has experienced two or more PSPS events
Critical Facilities within the SGIP program include:

  • Police & fire stations
  • Emergency response providers
  • Emergency operations centers
  • 911 call centers
  • Medical facilities
  • Gas, electric, and water facilities
  • Jails & prisons
  • Utility designated PSPS shelters
  • Local government designated cooling centers
  • Homeless shelters
  • Grocery stores and markets
  • Independent living centers
  • Food banks

High Fire Threat Districts (HFTD) are those regions designated by the CPUC as Tier 2 or Tier 3.

Low-income communities are defined as “Census tracts with median household incomes at or below 80% of the statewide median income or with median household incomes at or below the threshold designated as low-income by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s list of state income limits adopted pursuant to Section 50093.”

Disadvantaged Communities are defined as “Any census tract that ranks in the statewide top 25% most affected census tracts in the most recently released version of the environmental health screening tool, CalEnviroScreen, plus those census tracts that score within the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s pollution burden, but do not receive an overall CalEnviroScreen score.”

Get Started Today

If your team is considering battery energy storage, now is the time to get started. Over the past 11 years, TerraVerde Energy has supported the successful implementation of over 100 megawatts of solar PV and battery energy storage systems for which we provided independent technical and financial feasibility analyses, project development support (developing and administering RFPs), project implementation management (overseeing design, interconnection, incentive applications, and construction), and ongoing asset management services (system performance monitoring, O&M, financial management & reporting). To learn more about your project opportunities and how TerraVerde can help, write to us at

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